Spiritual Laws
Cremation Urns
America's Heritage


Since 1997

Final Arrangement Form

Box 182 CR 200 C Hernado, Florida 34441

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Press your tab key to start entering information.

1. Pressing the "Submit This Form" button at the bottom will end the session and send the registration.


The following information is required to comply with State Vital Statistic Requirements and applies to whom the arrangement is for.


First Name

Last Name
Legal Marital Status
If Married Spouses First name:
& Spouses Maiden Name:


Inside City Limits?
Spell State
Zip Code
Social Security
Issuing Country of SS#
Present Age
Date Of Birth
City or Country of Birth
State of Birth or if out of US, Country
Was member ever in the US Armed Forces?
Branch of Service
Title of Longest Occupation
In What Industry was the Occupation
Hispanic origin
If Yes, Specify
Father's full Name
Mother's full Name (maiden)
Name of Recepient of Cremated Remains
Phone Number of Recipient
Full Address for Cremains
Next of Kin ( Not Spouse )
Next of Kin Address

By my signature and or mailing of this registration I acknowledge that the above information will be relied on for the death certificate of the name above. I affirm that I have proof read for accuracy of dates, numbers and spelling.

Email - confirm
Printed Name
Your Legal Relation
Drivers license # or State ID :
State of issue
Date of issue








Type comments and additional information here:



Press "Ctrl & P" on your keyboard to print this form.

This is not the form that needs to be notarized.


American Heritage Cremation Society

Box 182 CR 200 C Hernado, Florida 34441


Copyright 1997 - 2024 The American Veritas Group Inc., All Rights Reserved.

Press "Ctrl & P" on your keyboard to print this form.